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Anchor 3

Mixing includes:

  • Professional mixing for all songs (REGARDLESS of the amount of individual tracks per song)

  • FREE mastering on every single song that we mix

  • Unlimited mixing time until you are completely satisfied

  • Customizing- what you ask, we will do


The Process

  • Send each track to us titled specifically to each song and which instrument it is in WAV or AIFF format. Also, consolidate each track from the beginning of the song (most audio editing or recording software has an automatic consolidate feature). For example, if a vocal track comes in half-way into the song, extend the silence before the vocal track so that it touches the very beginning of the track (without moving the original position of the track). 

  • Try not to use any effects or plugins (like compression or reverb). 

  • Try not to change sample rates.

  • Try not to convert to any other format (like mp3 or other poor quality formats- unless this is unavoidable of course)


Sending Files

All files should be sent to or to (my personal e-mail), using any kind of online transfer company such as

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