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Mastering includes:

  • Determining the appropriate process best suited for your songs

  • Using Compression, limiting, and graphic EQ relative to your project

  • Removing noise, hiss, hum, and clicks

  • Optimizing all peak volume levels 

  • Transient enhancement

  • Creating balance and uniformity from cut to cut

  • Spacing each track according to your project needs

  • Fading the beginning and end of each track if needed

  • Provide track arrangement

  • Inserting per track PQ codes (track IDs) required for replication

  • Adding IRSC codes and CD Text as specified

  • Transferring mastered audio to final PMCD as the final process


The Process

  • Send each song to us titled specifically in WAV or AIFF format. 

  • Try not to use any effects or plugins on the mixed song (like compression or reverb). Using any kind of compression or limiting on your mixed down tracks gives us much less room to work with. Some compression is needed for individual tracks, but it should not be applied to the entire mix until it is being mastered.

  • Try not to change sample rates.

  • Try not to convert to any other format (like mp3 or other poor quality formats- unless this is unavoidable of course)


Sending Files

All files should be sent to (my personal e-mail), using any kind of online transfer company such as

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