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Stand Alone

Mixing & Mastering


Although mastering is the most important step in making your project sound great on all listening devices, mixing can be the trickiest. Because it can be so tricky and time-consuming from dealing with many tracks, per song, the cost of professional mixing can range into the 1,000's just to mix your CD- not including mastering, or studio time! We know that the prices for mixing your music can be completely ridiculous, so we didn't just cut it in half, we cut it into a small fraction of the usual price for mixing. We are FOR the musician, not against the musician!



Where mastering is the process of working with whole files, mixing is the process of working with a bunch of “bits and pieces” of audio, and then combining them to make the perfect “mix”. Where mastering has to work mainly with making the whole sound louder or better or crisper to make it sound great on all listening devices, mixing works with the individual elements and instruments of the song to make them all fit together like a puzzle.


What Is Mastering?


Mastering is the art of processing audio and music so that it is brought to its fullest potential. 

Regardless of how your audio was recorded or how much it was processed or edited, mastering should NEVER be skimped on- it's your last chance to get every problem fixed as well as get your mix ready for distribution.

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